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Five Anxiety Reducing Hobbies

Five Anxiety Reducing Hobbies

I don’t know about you but 2021 has so far done nothing to ease my anxiety. As such, I’ve been looking for new things that I can incorporate into my life that can bring calm and occupy my mind and hands. A friend of mine recently started building miniatures as a hobby and it piqued my interest so much that I immediately went on Etsy and purchased one for myself. First, I have a small obsession with anything miniature dating back to when I was a child. And second, it looked like the perfect distraction while also being a bit of a challenge. I’ve been hungry for finding new hobbies that not only can be somewhat meditative but also allow me to learn a new skill. And of course, be fun to do! I’ve been looking into improving my sewing skills and possibly starting to make clothing but that is a ways off and honestly just based on what I’ve seen and know - it ain’t all that relaxing when you first start lol. So I decided to compile a short list of relaxing hobbies that even beginners can do.


DIY Miniature Kits

If you were into dollhouses as a child and never quite outgrew your love for them, this may be the hobby for you my friend. These adorable little kits really speak to my inner child. When I first discovered them (thanks Sara!) I went on Etsy and threw about five of them into my cart. I then came to my senses and only ordered one, but there were so many designs to choose from and I wanted them all. The one I purchased is sold out but there are similar ones here, here, and here. Kits start from $25 and go all the way to up $100 depending on the type of kit and how large it is.


Hand Embroidery

I recently purchased my first hand embroidery kit and I am SO excited to try it out. It looks like a slightly intimidating thing to start doing - especially if you have no experience with sewing of any kind. I have some experience as my Mom was a seamstress many eons ago and taught me basic hand sewing techniques. Still I did find the idea of embroidery slightly intimidating. Until I discovered beginner’s kits! You get everything you need in the kits - including a kind of “paint by numbers” pattern that is easy to follow. I fell down a hand embroidery rabbit hole on Etsy. There are sooo many kits and designs to choose from, from modern to the classic floral patterns. There is traditional sewing needle embroidery and punch needle embroidery. I picked up two: One traditional floral kit and one cool modern punch needle kit.

Scratch Art

I got into scratch art back in 2019. I can thank Chrissy Teigen for the introduction as she was scratch art obsessed and was always doing it on her IG stories. I haven’t done scratch art in awhile but it is a LOT of fun and will eat up a good chunk of time if you are looking for something to while away the hours on. I purchased my scratch art booklets on Amazon. Most booklets come with the tools you will need. If you have never heard of scratch art it is a graphic technique of “scratching off black paper to reveal the colored design underneath. It is done using a pick or scratch brush. The designs are usually things like flowers, or world landmarks. One of the ones I completed was the Santorini coastline. I also bought a few for my mother who wasn’t a huge fan of them but I think that is more due to the fact that she has a hard time sitting and doing one activity for long periods of time. I couldn't find the one I purchased for myself, but here is the one I got my mom.


I really want to invest in more puzzles. I used to do them all the time and they’ve had a resurgence in popularity over the last year due to lockdown. The main thing you need to ask yourself before you purchase a puzzle is how much time you are willing to put into it. If you don’t have the patience to work on a puzzle for days on end then I would suggest getting a 500 to 1,000 piece puzzle. Anything more than that will drive you bonkers. If you have no issues putting in the time well then… the puzzle world is your oyster. If you are an ambitious and committed puzzler I would highly suggest investing in a puzzle mat. This way you will have the puzzle in a centralized item and can move it as needed (so that it doesn’t take up your dining table or coffee table for days). Puzzles are a lot of fun to do as a couple or as a family but can be fun solo as well.

Coloring Books

This one is so obvious I was loathe to put it on this list, but it’s popular for a reason. At the beginning of lockdown I invested in a handful of new coloring books and new pencils and I had a lot of fun. I haven’t picked them up in a bit but I like knowing that if I need to just use my hands and zone out a bit I can reach for them. The key to having fun with coloring is all about the coloring books you choose. There are a TON of different types of “adult” coloring books. One of favorite purchases was this Keanu Reeves coloring book. Yes - you read that right. A Keanu Reeves coloring book. They also have ones for Jason Momoa and Idris Elba.

What are some of your favorite anxiety reducing hobbies? Let me know in the comments.

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