
Welcome to The Mod Woman. This blog is all about beauty, pop culture, fashion, and creating ways to live a more fulfilled and authentic life.

November Favorites: Disney +, FKA Twigs and Cinnamon Coca Cola

November Favorites: Disney +, FKA Twigs and Cinnamon Coca Cola

Happy December! November flew by and I have a feeling that December will do the same. I’m a couple of days late posting this mainly because time got away from me. I spent time off for the Thanksgiving Holiday and just relaxed. I got so relaxed that I forgot to write my November favorites post! But it’s here and better late then never. November’s favorites are a bit random. Though who am I kidding? MOST of my favorites lists are random. LOL.


The Mandalorian

I am not a Star Wars fan. Sure I have seen the films but I have never truly gotten or succumbed to the hype around them. That is until someone on Twitter shared a photo of Baby Yoda from The Mandalorian. And I said to myself, “who is this wondrous adorable creature.” Alas, he is NOT in fact Baby Yoda. According to Twitter Star Wars experts, The Mandalorian takes place five years after actual Yoda's death. But he is the same species as Yoda and so everyone calls him Baby Yoda for lack of an actual name. I have watched all four episodes (there are eight total released on a weekly basis) and Baby Yoda is an angel from Heaven. Ironically, the thing I like most about the show besides Baby Yoda is that it operates apart from the traditional Star Wars schtick. It is the same universe with the same references but feels fresh and interesting and new.


FKA Twigs- Mary Magdalene

FKA Twigs recently released her first full album, Mary Magdalene, and I am hooked. I have been a fan for a few years and while it took me a minute to warm up to Mary Magdalene, I have been playing it non-stop since its release. FKA came to my city in November and tickets so out so quickly and the re-sell tickets were going for triple the price of the face value. So yeah… needless to say I didn’t make it to the show. Which I was really bummed about. If you haven’t listed to the album yet. I highly recommend doing so. FKA keeps her experimental vibes while fine-tuning her musical aesthetic and the album feels tighter and more sophisticated than her LPs. I sounded like a musical critic right there, ha!


Sam Edelman Hal Studded Bootie

I purchased these booties on sale on Amazon at the end of Spring. And then placed them at the back of my armoire until the Fall…and promptly forgot about them. I suddenly remembered them at the beginning of last month and have been wearing them non-stop. I even wore them on Thanksgiving. They are so comfy and are classic and edgy at the same time - which is my aesthetic in a nutshell.


Cinnamon Coca-Cola

The first time I saw this in Walgreens I thought to myself, “this is either amazing or utterly disgusting”. And promptly purchased one to try. And now I am addicted. This is AMAZING. Seriously. Who knew Cinnamon and Coca-Cola would work so magically together? But they do. And since it is a Limited Edition flavor for the holiday season I will be enjoying it as often as I can.


Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer

For years I have had a love hate relationship with concealer. I love it for priming my eyelids for eyeshadow and maybe spot-concealing any blemishes. But for under the eyes? Nope. Nope. Nope. Every concealer I tried made my eye looks crepe-y and lined where I don’t have lines and so I would just skip it. For years I have heard people rave about Nars Radiant Creamy Concfealer and I would shrug and think, “Not for me. I will just stick to my affordable drugstore concealers for eye primer and go about my life.” I decided on a whim to finally try the Nars Radiant Creamy and - I…love it. Under. My. Eyes. Mind blown. My under eyes looks smooth and the shade works perfectly with the two foundations I’ve been wearing it with.


December will be bringing with it a lot of favorites posts as I wrap up the year with my Favorites and Bests of in various categories. I genuinely love this time of year when we look back at the things that excited us or that had an impact on our lives in some small or large way. Whether that be books, music or a really great foundation.


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