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7 Things I No Longer Care About

7 Things I No Longer Care About

One great thing that happens when you get older is that you slowly lose the fucks. Until you have literally no fucks left to give. Now I have ALWAYS had a low supply of fucks. But now? I am in the negative. I would have to borrow one from a friend to give away. And so, in the spirit of having no fucks left to give I have decided to compile a list of 10 things I no longer care about.


1. Wearing leggings as pants

I used to judge other women who did this. And now I am other women. I had been wearing leggings as pants on the down low for awhile. I would pair them with long shirts and boots and they wold look like skinny pants. But Covid sucked that last bit of effort right out of me. I walk out the house in leggings and a t-shirt and sneakers. With no shame in my game.

2. Always having my nails done

As someone who used to be a nail blogger and did my nails literally every night this is a big one. There was a time when I wouldn’t be caught dead without my nails painted. And now? I don’t really care all that much. I started wearing press-ons awhile ago but even those went out the window when we went into lockdown. I still like having pretty nails but I just don’t worry about it if they’re not done.

3. How big my hips are

Since puberty I have had what are classically described as “birthing hips”. They have been the one part of my body I have always been insecure about. Because no matter how much I work out they don’t go anywhere. It’s my literal body shape. I have to shop strategically to make sure whatever I purchase fits my extra wide hips. Recently I have been caring less and less about them. Their size, how they look, what people think of them. They are there. They are part of my body and they aren’t going anywhere. Are they suddenly my favorite thing about my body? Nope. But I’ve decided to stop looking at them as the enemy.

4. Talking to racists, misogynists, transphobes and homophobes

This could be an entire post on it’s own but I will keep it short and simple. I no longer waste time on lost causes. These people have no interest in learning or growing and it’s an exercise in futility to attempt to change their minds. If in the year 2020 you are still questioning ANYONE’S right to be treated equally you are garbage. Period. I would rather let God deal with you and go on with my life.

5. Matching underwear

I chuckle thinking about this. The fact that I used to actually care about whether by bra and panties matched. I stopped caring about this a long time ago but I wanted to add it to this list because it’s rather hilarious to me. Especially now since all I buy are black cotton panties. If this is something you think about: Don’t. Literally no one cares. I promise.

6. What other people think about how I spend my money

This is another one that I could write an entire post about. It seems to be a perpetual thing to police what women spend their money on. Especially black women. Why do you spend so much on getting your hair done? You spent how much on that?! Why do you buy so much makeup/skincare/literally anything?My advice to you if anyone tries to question how you choose to spend your money is to tell them to mind their own wallets. Now I am not talking about overspending or being a compulsive shopper. Those are different things. I’m talking about someone making you feel bad for spending your money differently from how they choose to spends theirs. This is especially true when you are a single woman with no kids. I have had to put close friends in their place for saying things like, “Well if you had kids you wouldn’t be able to spend money on something so frivolous.” But I don’t have kids. And I can spend my money on something frivolous if I choose to.

7. Questions about the status of my womb

Just as people love to police women’s wallets they also love to police women’s wombs. And romantic status. They think it’s perfectly fine to ask a woman why she doesn’t have kids or if she wants them. When I was in my early 30’s I used to entertain these questions, despite how irritated they made me. And now I will literally tell you it’s none of your business. Because it isn’t. And if anyone is asking you questions like this please know you are under no obligation to answer them.

What are some things you have come to no longer care about? Let me know in the comments.

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