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Managing Anxiety When the World Is Full of Bad News

Managing Anxiety When the World Is Full of Bad News

This time in the world has been…interesting to say the least. There was already a LOT going on that could worsen anxiety but the recent spread of COVID-19 has highlighted this. I for one tend to not be anxious in these types of situations. I rely on facts for reassurance and try not to over saturate my mind with the fear-mongering that our media often deals in. But I have to admit that in the last few days my anxiety has ratcheted up ever so slightly. I was reticent to wrote this post since I would have to deal in the same type of fear-mongering that so many are spreading at the moment. But I also think it would be dumb of me to pretend that what’s going on in the world isn’t happening. And so in a effort to put something useful out there I wanted to share a few of the things I have been doing to help alleviate any anxiety that has bubbled up over COVID-19.


Acknowledge What You’re Feeling

One of the first things I think it is helpful to do is to admit that you are feeling anxious. Ignoring or pretending that you anxiety doesn’t exist can often exacerbate the feelings you’re having down the road. When I acknowledge that I am experiencing anxiety it helps me deal with whatever thoughts that may come in a more rational manner. The key to this is to not let your mind run away with those thoughts - which can be hard. But it is possible.

Know The Difference Between Rational and Irrational Thought

So you’re acknowledging your anxiety and you start to have those anxious scary thoughts. Knowing the difference between an irrational thought or fear can help you self-soothe. For instance: You’re driving over a bridge and suddenly are afraid that your car will drive off the bridge into the water below. What indication is there that that would ACTUALLY happen? You’re sober. You’re a responsible driver. You are not driving erratically. There is no one else on the bridge driving erratically. The bridge is sound. That is an irrational thought. Often times with anxiety our minds will take a fear into often absurd territory - if we allow it to. We can’t always control our thoughts but we can control how we respond to them and how far we allow them to go.

Deal in Facts Only

One of the things that has actually been comforting to me during this time is reading the info on the CDC and WHO websites. Now that may sound crazy but let me explain why: Because it gives perspective. If all I did was listen to the news everyday and the scrolling headlines at the bottom of the TV screen I would be in a state. But I don’t I try to filter what I hear through the lens of if it’s medium. TV News shows are designed to ratchet up interest, viewers and yes - fear. And social media? Well. That is a cesspool of misinformation and fear-mongering.

Do Things That Make You Feel in Control

Often times the thing that can make anxiety is worse if the feeling of helplessness. And while I will not lie to you and say that what is or will happen is completely in our control, I will say that there are things that I do on a daily basis that I DO have control over: I wash my hands, if I need to cough I do so in the crook of my are. I wipe my desk down and my cellphone and the surfaces in my house. Those are things that I have control over. If you don’t feel comfortable going to crowded public spaces then don’t. But also go outside and talk a walk in the park or around your block. Do a quick at-home exercise routine (exercise is shown to alleviate anxiety) All of those things are well within your control.


If you’re anything like me when you’re feeling anxious you get into preparation mode. And this goes back to doing things that you can control. If it would make you feel better to do a big grocery shop “just in case” then do so. Just don’t be like those assholes who buy all the toilet paper and hand sanitizer. Prepare within reason. This may alleviate some of the “what if” stress you may be feeling. I placed my grocery order yesterday and added a few things in that I could easily prepare should I find myself stuck in the house for a bit. And I threw in some special snacks. Maybe make a list of shows or movies you haven’t seen yet that you want to watch if you find yourself with extra time on your hands at home.

Below is a quick cheat sheet of things that can help alleviate anxiety during this difficult time and also help you feel in control and prepared.

Clean and disinfect your house

Reorganize your cabinets and closets

Create a list of activities that you can do in doors

Call a friend


Listen to Music

Watch a movie you’ve never seen before

Practice deep breathing and do some stretches

Write down your thoughts and fears in a journal or notebook

Work on a hobby you enjoy


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