
Welcome to The Mod Woman. This blog is all about beauty, pop culture, fashion, and creating ways to live a more fulfilled and authentic life.

My Fall Bucket List

My Fall Bucket List

This summer was a giant bust for me for a multitude of reasons. Perhaps that is why I am so eager for fall to officially begin - which let’s be honest - the moment Starbucks drops the PSL fall has arrived. It’s also that as I’ve gotten older I have come to appreciate fall more. When you’re younger it’s all about summer. School breaks, hanging with friends, traveling. As you become an adult - who has to work for a living and you and all your friends have different lives and are too busy to hangout, summer can lose a lot of it’s magic. For me that magic now exists in the transitional seasons, spring and fall. There is something about them both that feels encapsulates that magic moment before. That delicious limbo. Waiting for the dog days of summer or the austerity of winter. Fall for me is coziness personified. I lean into what I truly am in the first place; an introvert and a homebody. Someone who loves nothing more than relaxing under a warm blanket, with a cup of tea and a few scented candles burning. That is my happy place. I created a bucket list for Spring which I wasn’t able to complete. BUT. I am determined to check off as many items as possible on my fall bucket list.


What are you looking forward to this Fall? Let me know in the comments!

Why I Took a Break

Why I Took a Break

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